
Ayurvedic Fissure Medicine Kit


A fantastic combination of healing herbs formulated & framed to cure the root cause of the anal fissure by detoxifying the body so that selected Ayurveda medicines can work better. This fissure medicine kit is capable of reducing the risk of severe health complications arising out of the underlying cause of irregular bowels and related factors, without any side-effect, responsible for painful anal fissures.

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This amazing herbal kit is effective in healing anal fissure, a common condition caused by prolonged constipation, diarrhea, hemorrhoids, irritable bowel syndrome or any other metabolic condition. This kit is a special blend of therapeutic-grade Ayurveda formulations which contains precisely selected Ayurveda herbs in the form of tablets, syrup, ointment and powder, highly effective in sustaining the benefit of treatment by treating symptoms like itching, burning rectal pain, mucus discharge sore and redness in the anus area. It helps by stimulating bowel movements by providing relief within the first 15 days of the course.

Ayurvedic Fissure Medicine Kit

Symptoms of Anal Fissure

The patient may see at least one or more than one sign alluded to in beneath referenced signs & symptoms. It isn’t crucial that all the signs will be competent simultaneously.

  1. Oval, ulcer-like longitudinal split or tear near the anal canal.
  2. Intense pain during defecation.
  3. Burning sensation and pain persisting for one to two hours after passing stools.
  4. The occasional presence of blood on the toilet paper.
  5. Burning and tearing sensation during bowel movements.
  6. A sentinel pile at the base of the fissure may be present.
  7. Rarely, discharge of abscesses in association with a fissure can be present.’
  8. Painful skin tears in the anal tract caused due to passing hard stool.
  9. Itching or burning of the anal canal.
  10. Fast heartbeat or palpitations, nausea or vomiting can be felt if bowels are irregular for more than 2 weeks.

Benefits and uses

  1. Regularizes colon conditions.
  2. Improves bowel movements.
  3. Relief in sharp cutting pain in the affected area.
  4. Helps to stop the blood mixed with stools, if any.
  5. Reduces the swelling and soreness around the fissure.
  6. Aid in normalizing digestive functioning.
  7. Help in maintaining the intestinal movements for a healthy bowel.
  8. Help in the relief from indigestion related signs like bloating, flatulence, acidity etc.
  9. Great relief from intense itching and uneasiness in the anal verge.
  10. Relief from a feeling of having incomplete evacuation even after passing stools.

Do’s of Diet directions

  1. Increase dietary fiber to keep gut movements delicate.
  2. Drink at least 1.5-2 liters of liquid such as lukewarm water, fresh juice, soup etc daily.
  3. Eat at least one large bowl of boiled veggies soup or bone broth soup every day.
  4. Ensure an adequate intake of healthy fats and oils, which will renew affected skin layers with required supplements.
  5. Include avocados, eggs, extra-virgin olive oil, coconut oil, raw nuts, raw seeds, and cold-water fish in the diet.
  6. Include fiber rich diet such as water-rich fruits, vegetables, and possibly grains.

Don’ts of Diet Directions

  1. Listen to the gut and avoid foods that irritate the bowels such as refined and processed food.
  2. Do avoid anything edible that will cause constipation.
  3. Avoid chocolate, coffee, alcohol, spicy foods, and pasteurized dairy as they might irritate an anal fissure
  4. Decrease the consumption of beverages, caffeine, liquor.
  5. Avoid white bread, bagels, dairy products like milk, cheese and animal protein like meat, fish and egg.
  6. Maintain a strategic distance from substantial low-quality nourishment food items, particularly fried junk food.

Activities- Do’s

  1. Maintaining anal hygiene and the need to keep the anal area dry should be emphasized.
  2. Regular sitz baths by sitting in warm water up to the hip area can help to relax the anal opening and heal the fissure.
  3. Avoid sitting on the toilet for too long and limit the time to 5-10 minutes.
  4. Keep track of the daily bowel movements.
  5. Perform regular exercise to help regular bowel movement.
  6. Advised to wash the area carefully after going to the toilet and pat dry.
  7. Alcohol-free toilet paper will be more agreeable than rough bathroom tissue.
  8. Wear cotton underwear and avoid tight-fitting underwear to allow the skin to breathe.

Activities- Don’ts

  1. Advised to avoid undue straining during bowel movements.
  2. Avoid putting off going to the toilet as this will make the stools harder.
  3. Do not use soap or fragrance containing chemical substances to clean the area as it may irritate the skin.

Safety Information:

  1. Don’t refrigerate any Ayurvedic formulations.
  2. Protect the liquid syrups from direct sunlight.
  3. Always shake the bottle before using it.
  4. Avoid taking medicine along with tea, coffee or any aerated drink.
  5. Keep the medications away from the sight of kids.
  6. Consult our doctor before taking other medication for another purpose
  7. Take the proper dosage as advised, avoid taking high/overdose
  8. Read the information carefully before use
  9. Advised to take medication only after consultation in case of pregnancy and lactating mothers.


This package is highly effective in the treatment of anal fissures with the natural approach of herbs chosen by the experts and personalized treatment plan focussing on dietary and lifestyle changes that make it the best option available today. All formulations included in the kit are Ayurvedic and are based on Traditional Ayurveda classics. It is suggested to consult the expert for a personalized treatment plan. The kit contains enough doses to follow the protocol for 15 days. Many individuals get results within 15 days, yet some need to proceed with the convention for 2-3 months.