FAQs on Piles

  • Is including ginger in the diet good for piles?

    Yes, absolutely you can include it in your dietary menu as Ginger is an effective herb with anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and analgesic properties that helps clears toxins from the body and prevent haemorrhoids. It is suggested to consume h fresh ginger juice every day to clean the body from toxic materials.

  • Is including turmeric in diet helpful for piles?

    Turmeric is a miraculous herb with anti-inflammatory properties. It can be used locally by mixing it with Jatyadi oil or aloe vera gel and applying it directly on the sprouted pile mass using a cotton ball or tissue. Including turmeric in the dietary menu also helps for healthy bowel movements.

  • Is haemorrhoidal condition a permanent health issue?

    Haemorrhoids or piles if diagnosed in early stages and cured with healthy diet and lifestyle changes can be treated from its root cause with zero recurrence rate when combined with some Ayurveda based herbal formulations. Ignoring the condition for a long time however might result in permanent health issues.

  • Is eating chicken good enough in piles or should it be avoided?

    Chicken is not totally bad for haemorrhoids or piles if consumed once a week for people who are suffering from grade first piles or hemorrhoids. However, instead of other recipes, having clear chicken bone broth can help get relief from the symptoms of piles as it serves as a high source of protein and strengthens intestinal walls by reducing swelling.

  • What is the main causative factor for having piles?

    Sedentary lifestyle along with unwholesome diet, improper toileting habits and no physical exercise leading to worsening of the digestive functioning is the leading cause of having piles nowadays irrespective of other secondary factors like pregnancy or associated disease.

  • What yoga asanas are good for piles?

    Yoga therapy with the practice of shatkriya or yogic cleansing technique keeps the body purified, and prevents digestive and intestinal problems. Practice yoga poses like Sarvangasana, vajrasana, Adho Mukha svanasana for prevention of piles.

  • What are the toileting sitting habits to avoid piles condition?

    Healthy toileting habits are must to avoid the occurrence of piles. Use a stool under feet in western toilet to relax and straighten the rectum for easy passage of stools. Avoid prolonged sitting in the toilet, excessive straining while having bowel movements and remember not to spend more than 10-15 minutes maximum on the toilet.

  • Is sitting for a long time not good for hemorrhoids?

    Yes,absolutely, sitting too long, particularly on the toilet, increases the pressure on the veins in the anal area. As far as possible, avoid putting any form of pressure on the anal area by avoiding sitting on the floor for prolonged periods of time and if the chair at work isn’t comfortable enough, keep a small pillow handy to sit on.

  • Is having a daily morning walk well for piles?

    Yes, of course. Staying active reduces the time spent sitting and putting pressure on the anal veins in the lower rectum. Opt for more moderate exercise routines such as yoga, swimming, and brisk walking 20–30 minutes a day to stimulate bowel function.

  • What are the dietary guidelines to be avoided in piles?

    Avoid food items like cheese, chips, fast food, ice cream, meat, prepared foods, such as some frozen and snack foods and processed foods and some microwavable dinners.

  • What are certain remedies for instant relief from piles?

    For instant relief, it is better to tackle piles with the Ayurveda herbal formulations with a customized diet and lifestyle modifications that emphasize on regularizing bowel movements. Take 4 grams of Triphala powder every night before going to bed, with hot water followed by a warm sitz bath and apply jatyadi tailam after that.

  • What are certain dietary guidelines to be followed while having piles?

    Healthy toileting habits along with dietary guidelines like avoiding fast food, too spicy and oily food items is required. Include consumption of fibrous foods like green leafy vegetables, fruits and salads and also the intake of fluids and buttermilk in the afternoon is recommended. Include food items like dried figs, Amalaki, Isabgol and papaya that act as natural stool softeners, high fibre-rich foods, lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, plenty of water and avoid caffeinated products, processed meat, spicy fried food items.

  • Which treatment is best for piles; Ayurveda or Allopathy?

    Ayurvedic approach is best in case of anorectal conditions like piles as it involves  non-surgical approach by usage of herbal medication such as Haritaki churna, Kasisadi tail, arshoghni vati etc for shrinking the pile mass. In the late second & third stage, the kshar sutra can be opted, along with certain dietary and lifestyle precautionary measures that need to be followed.

  • Is it possible to treat piles by Ayurveda?

    Yes! It is possible to treat piles with Ayurveda by certain herbal medications available for all mild to moderate and severe types of piles that have minimal recurrence rate with no to a few complications. Moreover, surgery is not required at all. Ayurveda focuses on the root cause of piles and using herbal medications along with cauterization therapy, that provides relief from piles within 5-10 days.

  • When is it a must to see a doctor to avoid further worsening of the haemorrhoidal condition?

    If you are having prolonged constipation issues along with a feeling of a lump that needs to be reduced manually accompanied with bleeding and itching in the affected area, it is advised to visit a doctor as the pain associated with piles aggravates as it grows, if the situation is ignored.

  • Is it possible to treat piles only with medications and without having any surgery?

    Yes, absolutely it is possible to treat piles without having any surgical procedure. Ayurveda provides the best solution for managing piles with herbal formulations for each symptom like Triphala Guggulu, jatyadi taila etc. along with the precautions of healthy dietary regulations. Although results vary patient to patient and also as per grading and severity of the piles.

  • What are the commonly found signs & symptoms of piles?

    The commonly manifested signs & symptoms indicating the presence of piles are usually blood drops while passing stools accompanied by unbearable itchiness around the anal area. Feeling of a sprouted soft lump coming out from anus during straining with acute pain due to inflamed area is observed.

  • When should one go to the doctor for piles?

    Having piles is a frustrating painful condition. It is better to get checked up when symptoms include painful defecation with severe bleeding and appearance of more than 2-4 sprouted piles mass. As getting a proper diagnosis with accurate grading of piles is necessary for its management approach along with herbal medication.

  • Is having piles condition permanent?

    Pile is a temporary condition caused by excessive straining due to constipation, hard stool history, pregnancy or other factors. Certain changes in dietary guidelines with healthy toileting habits along with certain over the counter herbal medications like Triphala powder for healthy bowels make the pile easily curable with minimal recurrence rate.

  • Is it possible to cure piles with medicines only?

    Yes, of course, Ayurvedic medications can help to relieve the mild to moderate symptoms like Triphala churna for constipation, jatyadi oil for itching in the anal area, Arshoghni vati for painful bowel movements and any swelling with redness while third and fourth-grade piles may need kshara karma therapy as management along with herbal meds.

  • Is eating non-vegetarian food harmful in piles?

    Non-vegetarian food like processed or red meat is heavy to digest and is low in fibre content. Thus makes piles sensitive due to irregular and painful bowel movements with usually hard stools. Chicken broth can be taken once in a while as it serves as a high source of protein and strengthens intestinal walls and reduces swelling.

  • Is rice bad for hemorrhoids?

    Brown variety of rice is good for haemorrhoids as it is rich in fibre content but polished white rice is bad as it is highly refined in nature and has lost its bran content and is very low in fibre. Prefer whole grain brown rice instead of polished white rice.

  • What is the main difference between anal fissure and hemorrhoids?

    An anal fissure is an acutely painful condition caused mainly by a tear in the anal canal due to passage of motion mainly in diarrhoea or even excessive straining while haemorrhoids is a usually painless swollen and enlarged blood vessels mass accompanied with bleeding in some cases. Although both conditions have common symptoms like bleeding, itching, swelling on passing motions but the burning sharp pain is the prominent feature in anal fissure.

  • How does one get hemorrhoids?

    Haemorrhoids or piles are caused mainly due to excessive straining during bowel movements due to hard stools or long history of constipation due to sedentary lifestyle, fad-diet, being overweight, pregnancy, sitting for a long period in the toilet etc.

  • What is the best cure for treating haemorrhoids?

    Ayurveda offers a highly effective medicinal approach for all signs of piles like constipation, bleeding wgile defecation, itching and pain with corrective diet and lifestyle changes like adding fibres to the diet, healthy toileting habits, anal hygiene with regular sitz bath as it is cost-effective, safe, also you can join the work within a week of rest.

  • What precautionary measures should I take after having a haemorrhoidal medical procedure?

    Proper hygiene for the initial 14 days following a soft and easy to digest diet avoiding hard stools, daily sitz bath with topical application of Jatyadi oil and rest from all physical exertion, to avoid any itching and burning sensation. Ignoring the continuous bogus sensation of visiting the washroom 3–5 times each day as these signs are normal and not to worry for.

  • What is the prompt treatment for instant relief from pile mass? I am having no constipation or any bleeding.

    Certain herbal meds are there for mild to moderate piles that provide instant relief. With a healthy lifestyle, healthy toileting habits like no excessive straining or using a stool below feet while using the western toilet, diet avoiding any chances of hard stool formation, staying well hydrated with regular warm sitz bath, can be helpful in your case.

  • Does Ayurvedic medication have a remedy for haemorrhoids? I have been experiencing haemorrhoids for a year, which wasn't difficult as of recently when it started getting more discomfort.

    Yes, of course. Ayurveda medications and dietary guidelines can help you with better outcomes in improving the state of haemorrhoids both internal and external ones. There are various potent herbal meds like Arshoghni vati, triphala churna, jatyadi taila for piles symptoms like hard stools, bleeding and pain while passing stools and are highly effective in treating piles from the root cause.