What Are Internal Hemorrhoids

Internal hemorrhoids get in shape with the inflammation of the blood vessels inside the lowest part of the rectum with a painful response to nervine provocation but are still far enough inside un-noticeable, rarely causing any discomfort. They cause trouble when the veins in the rectum or under the skin get swollen and inflamed resulting in intense discomfort while bowel movements. Since they are concealed deep inside the rectum but their existence is indicated with bright red color bleeding through the anus.

They are only visible when they get slid outwards through anus while straining or become advanced enough to get prolapsed to the point of protruding outside of the anus. This typically happens during a bowel movement and in many cases, the tissue will go back in on its own or need to push the tissue back in manually.

Risk Factors & Causes in Internal Hemorrhoids

Internal hemorrhoids have a variety of potential causes, and once an internal hemorrhoid is formed, the same things that caused it makes it worse. Internal hemorrhoids develop from increased pressure in the veins around the anal area that tends to stretch and may bulge or swell in response due to the following risk factors:

  1. Straining during bowel movements
  2. Irregular bowel habits (diarrhea or constipation)
  3. Being obese
  4. Being pregnant
  5. Having anal intercourse
  6. Eating a low-fiber diet
  7. Regular heavy lifting

Hemorrhoids result from an increase in pressure in the veins of the rectum, commonly due to:

  1. Constipation and diarrhea:  The immoderate stress on the rectal area caused by straining too much and frequent urge for bowel movements, adds pressure and weakens the rectal tissue.
  2. Low fiber & high-fat diet: Unwholesome dietary regime affects the bowel movements resulting in disproportionate pressure on the rectum and increased duration sitting on the commode.
  3. Pregnancy and childbirth: This beautiful span of a women’s life consists of many discomforts, one is prone to internal hemorrhoids due to the increased pressure of carrying a growing new leaf and the straining during its birth.
  4. Obesity: Bodyweight more than normal Body Mass Index (BMI) is at higher risk of developing both types of hemorrhoids i.e internal & external, because of increased pressure while having bowel movements due to poor diet and a sedentary lifestyle.
  5. Prolonged sitting habit while having bowels

Signs & Symptoms of Internal Hemorrhoids

Symptoms of internal hemorrhoids vary depending on the severity of the hemorrhoids. Small internal hemorrhoids might only cause some light bleeding, however, when the hemorrhoid tissue begins to prolapse, or protrude outside the anus, the affected area gets inflamed resulting in itching, and even soiling of clothes.

Internal hemorrhoids can worsen over time if the causative reason is not amended. Although due to excessive straining or irritation while passing stools, one can have the following symptoms:

  1. Painless bright red color bleeding during bowel movements on the stools, in the toilet pot, or on the toilet tissue after wiping.
  2. Feeling of discomfort due to the presence of a swollen lump in the anal canal causing itchiness, pain, and soreness.
  3. Distress while passing stool and having a feeling of full bowel throughout the day.
  4. Discomfort in cleaning the anal area.
  5. Inability to control the urge to pass stool.

Prolapsed Internal Hemorrhoids

A prolapsed hemorrhoid is internal hemorrhoid that has begun progression & advances further forming swollen lumps, they often bulge outside due to prolonged straining and stick outside the anus causing discomfort  & pain along with itchiness and burning sensation while passing stools are termed as prolapsed hemorrhoids. They are mostly pinkier in color shade than the surrounding area & usually go back inside on their own or can often be gently pushed back into place.

Although any swollen lump around the anus is considered an external hemorrhoid, prolapsed hemorrhoids are the exception as they originate internally and gradually progressed to the rectum’s outer margin.

The classification of internal hemorrhoids is based on the severity of the prolapse. Grades are as follows:

  1. Grade I: No prolapse & lump lies inside the rectum only.
  2. Grade II: Minor prolapse & usually pushed out of the rectum during straining & then go back on its own.
  3. Grade III: Increased level of prolapse as the protruding lump needs to be reinserted manually.
  4. Grade IV: Severe prolapse as it cannot be pushed back in.

The following symptoms point to a prolapsed internal hemorrhoid, including:

  1. Bright red blood after wiping
  2. Mucus discharge from the anus
  3. Irritation while wiping the anal area
  4. Irritation due to push back the lump into the anus

The amount of time that hemorrhoid takes to heal is different for each person, and that one cannot fully escape without proper diet & lifestyle management. Ayurveda provides the best alternative management as it acts on the root cause of the disease without any surgical approach, hence minimal chances of complications like infection, bleeding, or any other thing.