
Bleeding Piles Medicine Kit & Free Consultation


A well-researched mixture of polyherbal formulation with the recuperating properties of merakii herbs, the bleeding piles kit contains 100% organic herbs with dynamic healing properties that are safe to use. This polyherbal combo will assist with lessening piles size and cessation of dripping blood drops with stools in a few days by removing the infection from the affected area. Buy this package(consultation+medicine) for bleeding piles and we will contact you soon to schedule a call with the doctor.

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SKU: MIL-BLE-KIT Category:


The bleeding pile is effectively treated with Ayurvedic hematinic herbal blend focusing on the proper functioning of the gut and relief from painful bleeding. This kit is a polyherbal combo of anti-haemorrhoidal herbs that help reduce pile mass size and relieve associated signs like itching & mucus discharge. The amazing blend helps in ceasing the bleeding issue. Well researched and doctor recommended herbal combination is powerful enough for healing the grade I bleeding piles within a week or so when followed with a certain healthy dietary regime and healthy toileting habits.

Sings and Symptoms of Bleeding Piles

The patient may notice at least one or more than one sign referenced underneath. It isn’t essential that all the signs and manifestations will be experienced.

  1. Bleeding after having a bowel movement, usually after hard stools.
  2. Blood is bright red and usually mixed with stool.
  3. Sprouted skin tag(s) present inside the wall of the anus, which returns to the inside by themselves after passing a stool.
  4. Pea-sized lump/s may protrude and pop out with a bowel movement
  5. The blood is generally fresh bright red colored and might be seen on the toilet paper or in the toilet pot or mixed with the stools in streaks.
  6. Stool mixed with mucilaginous fluid discharges.
  7. Sore, red and swelling around the anal area.
  8. Itching and swelling of pile mass around the anus.
  9. Feeling of fullness in the rectum, or a sensation of not completely emptying the anal canal when setting off to the toilet.
  10. Foul and slimy fluid discharge in the clothing or on toilet tissue subsequent to cleaning the bottom.
  11. Difficult to maintain anal hygiene due to soreness in the perineal area.

Benefits and uses

  1. Relief from a sensation of incomplete evacuation.
  2. Improves painless dripping of blood in stools.
  3. Reduces the pile mass size
  4. Improves proper working of gut
  5. Helps soften the stools
  6. Improves bowel movements
  7. Aid in easy passing of gas
  8. Relief from the itchy anus
  9. Improves irritated anal area

Do’s of Diet directions

  1. Include seasonal fruits like apples with skin, melons, raspberries, avocados, pear, berries, tomatoes, papaya, orange.
  2. Eat more organic products, vegetables, whole grains, seeds, nuts and oats.
  3. Reduce the intake of caffeine, alcohol and increase the number of fresh juices and drink more water.
  4. Drink tepid water prior to setting off to the toilet while beginning the day.
  5. Include light and easily digestible food in the diet like shredded wheat, khichadi, daliya, oats, yogurt mixed with fruits etc.
  6. Seasonal vegetables like carrots, cabbage, turnip, zucchini, pumpkin, bell peppers, spinach, broccoli, beans, lentils, Brussels, squash and cauliflower are good to have in piles.

Don’ts of Diet Directions

  1. White bread and bagels.
  2. Milk, cheese, and other dairies.
  3. Meat, fish and egg.
  4. Prepared nourishments with preservatives, for example, frozen suppers and fast junk food.
  5. Cut down on liquor and caffeine (like tea, espresso and cola) to stay away from constipation.
  6. Avoid heavy junk food, especially fried ones.
  7. Avoid usage of refined flour products such as pasta, noodles etc.

Activities- Do’s

  1. Take a warm sitz bath with sphatika powder to ease itching and pain
  2. Utilize an ice pack enveloped by a towel to ease uneasiness and discomfort.
  3. Keep bottom clean and dry with healthy anal hygiene
  4. Maintain healthy Body Mass Index, in case obese.
  5. Indulge in light physical exercise, brisk walking for 30 minutes or so.

Activities- Don’ts

  1. Empty the bowels when having the urge to go to the toilet as if not, stools can become dry and hard.
  2. Try to avoid straining when using the toilet.
  3. Use of damp toilet wipes rather than dry tissue will cause less uneasiness & also won’t irritate the area.
  4. In case using tissue wipes, pat instead of wiping the anal area.
  5. Avoid prolonged sitting especially in the toilet for a long time.
  6. Refrain from lifting heavy objects or performing vigorous exercise in the gym.
  7. Avoid wearing tight undergarments.
  8. Avoid vigorous movement exercises like cycling, running as it may increase the itching and bleeding from the pile mass due to irritation.

Safety Information:

  1. Don’t refrigerate any Ayurvedic formulations.
  2. Protect the liquid syrups from direct sunlight.
  3. Always shake the bottle before using it.
  4. Avoid taking medicine along with tea, coffee or any aerated drink.
  5. Keep the medications away from the sight of kids.
  6. Consult our doctor before taking other medication for another purpose
  7. Take the proper dosage as advised, avoid taking high/overdose
  8. Read the information carefully before use
  9. Advised to take medication only after consultation in case of pregnancy and lactating mothers.


Cure bleeding piles using doctor recommended medicines, all combined in Mild stage bleeding type Kit. We recommend consulting the doctor before taking these medications and following our guidelines. A call will be scheduled after buying this package. All medicines are Ayurvedic and best for treating piles and all other anal-related diseases.


  1. Valid patient ID proof is needed to confirm age and identity
  2. All calls will take place on Google Meet or other platforms for face to face consultation. Please ensure to install Google Meet App on your mobile.
  3. Patient information through the form is mandatory.
  4. Your personal information will be shared with the doctor only
  5. This package includes only one time consultation and a customized medicine kit. For any additional calls please book a One Time Piles Consultation.
  6. International shipping is not available at the moment.
  7. We reserve the right to deny consultation if it’s an emergency case. We suggest consulting a doctor in-person

Additional information


Dr Anwesha Mukherjee, Dr Pavan Kakkar, Dr. Pooja Singh, Dr. Pratik Keshari