Stage 3 Bleeding Piles Medicine Kit & Free Consultation


Astonishing Ayurvedic herbal blend with healing properties that help to stop bleeding & related signs like itching, pain and irregular bowels. This kit is exceptionally intended for severe stage 3 bleeding piles with a combination of 100% natural herbal meds refined from Ayurveda classics by experts having no side effects and are safe to use aiming to cure piles in a few days from the root cause. Buy this package(consultation+medicine) for stage 3 bleeding piles and we will contact you soon to schedule a call with the doctor.

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Severe stage 3 bleeding piles can be feasibly treated with Ayurvedic meds that focus to heal the digestive functioning along with mending the infection and bleeding complaint. This polyherbal combo of analgesic tablets, anti-inflammatory oil/ointments and digestive syrup, is easy to consume. The amazing blend aids in reducing the size of the inflamed painful bleeding pile masses and furthermore eases related signs like intense itching or tingling, pain, discomfort and bowel irregularity. A radiant mix of a well-researched and expert suggested formulation is sufficient for patching the severe bleeding piles when followed with a dietary and lifestyle guidelines.

Symptoms of Severe Stage 3 Bleeding Piles

The patient may see at least one or more than one sign referred to in the below-mentioned points. It isn’t fundamental that all the signs and appearances will be experienced at the same time.

  1. Bright red blood covering the stool, on tissue, or in the commode.
  2. Usually, the primary complaint is drops of blood or mucus discharge in the stool.
  3. Intense itching after the defecation is the chief sign.
  4. Pile mass may protrude through the anus outside the body, becoming irritated and painful.
  5. A painful pea to grape sized swelling or a hard lump around the anus.
    Rectal discomfort due to draining mucus along with stool.
  6. The pile mass impedes the ability of the anal verge to “seal,” and so fecal soiling might be present.
  7. Tingling burning sensation or itching causing redness in the rectum or anal area.
  8. Sore anal opening with a tinge of redness around the verge causing intense discomfort and burning sensation.
  9. Stools are usually mixed with foul-smelling mucus coating, resulting in the soiling of clothes.
  10. The sensation of the full rectum, or not totally emptying the anal canal increases uneasiness and discomfort.
  11. Frequent episodes of bloating, abdominal pain and cramping.
  12. Difficult to maintain anal hygiene due to grade 3 bleeding pile mass along with sore area.

Benefits and uses

  1. Helps to stop the blood mixed with stools.
  2. Reduces the swelling of pile mass and aids to diminish its size.
  3. Aid in normalizing digestive functioning.
  4. Help in improving bowel irregularities like constipation, loose stools etc.
  5. Help in maintaining intestinal movements for a healthy bowel.
  6. Help in the relief from indigestion related signs like bloating, flatulence, acidity etc.
  7. Great relief from intense itching and uneasiness in the anal verge.
  8. Relief from a feeling of having incomplete evacuation even after passing stools.

Do’s of Diet directions

  1. Eating the perfect measure of fiber and drinking six to eight glasses of liquid, not liquor, helps in improving bowels, with softer & bulkier stools.
  2. Drink enough fluid preferably lukewarm water before going to the toilet in the morning.
  3. Tender coconut water works wonders in keeping the body system well hydrated.
  4. Make smart dietary choices for having soft stools such as including light and easily digestible food in the diet like shredded wheat, khichadi, daliya, oats, yogurt mixed with fruits etc.
  5. Fresh natural fruits and nor frozen ones like papaya, banana, kiwi, oranges, prunes, berries and apples are generally excellent for healthy regular bowels.
  6. Carrots, tomato, beans, leafy greens, cucumber, Brussel’s sprouts, lentils, chickpea, green peas, cabbage, broccoli, pumpkin will keep the fiber content high in the diet.
  7. Eat more natural organic items, rich in fiber like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
  8. Include seasonal vegetables like carrots, cabbage, turnip, pumpkin, bell peppers, squash and cauliflower.

Don’ts of Diet Directions

  1. Listen to the gut and avoid foods that irritate the bowels such as refined and processed food.
  2. Avoid Spicy, processed and packaged fast foods especially with white flour.
  3. Decrease the consumption of beverages, caffeine, liquor.
  4. Avoid white bread, bagels, dairy products like milk, cheese and animal protein like meat, fish and egg.
  5. Maintain a strategic distance from substantial low-quality nourishment food items, particularly fried junk food.
  6. Avoid usage of refined flour products such as pasta, noodles etc.
  7. Milk, cheddar, curds, frozen yogurt, milk based desserts and so forth are best kept under control.
  8. Lessen the salt intake.

Activities- Do’s

  1. When there is a need or urge, go to the toilet as if delayed, stools may become hard & dry in the bowel, which makes it harder to pass.
  2. Choose an active lifestyle by adopting physical workouts like walking, running short distances, biking, yoga and mediation.
  3. Maintain anal hygiene by cleaning the area with a washcloth, wet toilet paper, or a disposable wet wipe.
  4. Taking hot sitz baths several times a day in plain, warm water for about 10-15 minutes to avoid infection and reduce pain.
  5. Apply anti-haemorrhoidal cream or oil to the affected area for a limited time after having a sitz bath.
  6. Dab the anal area clean, rather than wiping it after passing stools or urine.

Activities- Don’ts

  1. Avoid straining when sitting on the toilet, and in general, long periods of sitting.
  2. Dodge stressing anal opening while passing stools, vigorously rubbing, or cleaning around the rectal area.
  3. Avoid wearing tight undergarments and prefer cotton ones.
  4. Avoid vigorous movement exercises like cycling and running as it may increase the itching and bleeding from the pile mass due to irritation.
  5. Don’t force a bowel movement when there is no urge or no need to go, either.
  6. Avoid lifting overloaded grocery bags, storage boxes, and even heavy work files as it causes additional pressure on the anal canal.
  7. Avoid reading, browsing mobile while in the toilet as the more time one spends on the toilet, the more likely there will be straining for bowel movements.
  8. Try to avoid prolonged sitting, especially in the toilet for a long time.
  9. Avoid heavy-duty weight-lifting squats and related exercises that increase abdominal pressure.

Safety Information:

  1. Don’t refrigerate any Ayurvedic formulations.
  2. Protect the liquid syrups from direct sunlight.
  3. Always shake the bottle before using it.
  4. Avoid taking medicine along with tea, coffee or any aerated drink.
  5. Keep the medications away from the sight of kids.
  6. Consult our doctor before taking other medication for another purpose
  7. Take the proper dosage as advised, avoid taking high/overdose
  8. Read the information carefully before use
  9. Advised to take medication only after consultation in case of pregnancy and lactating mothers.


Stage 3 bleeding piles treatment in Ayurveda is highly recommended as the combination of the natural approach of anti-haemorrhoidal herbs chosen by the experts and a personalized treatment plan focussing on dietary and lifestyle changes that make it the best option available today. All formulations included in the kit are Ayurvedic that are best for treating bleeding piles and any other anorectal related illnesses. So for what reason would you say you are as yet holding on to the painful bleeding piles? Get on and abandon the pain! We suggest counseling the physician prior to taking these meds or following our guidelines.


  1. Valid patient ID proof is needed to confirm age and identity
  2. All calls will take place on Google Meet or other such platforms for face to face consultation. Please ensure to install Google Meet on your mobile.
  3. Patient information through the form is mandatory.
  4. Your personal information will be shared with the doctor only
  5. This package includes only one time consultation and a customized medicine kit. For any additional call please buy a One Time Piles Consultation.
  6. International shipping is not available at the moment however you can opt for a call only product.
  7. We reserve the right to deny consultation if it’s an emergency case. We suggest consulting a doctor in-person.

Additional information


Dr Anwesha Mukherjee, Dr Pavan Kakkar, Dr. Pooja Singh, Dr. Pratik Keshari